
All three cats have now received their health reports with 100 clear.

What does this mean? (nothing) No…wait…they are not at an increased risk for diseases and conditions based on the DNA mutations they tested for, but nothing says they will stay well. Activity, diet, exposures, and even pure chance can still get these cats sick.

What were they being tested for?

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is the most common genetic disease in cats. PKD is characterized by the formation of small fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys that lead to kidney failure.
Gene PKD1 Mutation C>A

This is an example of an actual mutation they tested for and how they summarize what increased risk testing positive for this mutation of this gene will look like.

I still cannot stress the importance of semi annual exams in seniors and annual exams in the more youthful cats, because these tests are not used to diagnose conditions. I myself carry a few gene mutations that put me at risk but haven’t presented the diseases yet, and may never present the disease.

My distraction is a bit higher providing this update. Tommy Gargoyle is getting an expanded assortment of tests ran today. We had the visit, an ECG, blood pressure, 2 vials of blood, and I have to collect his urine this evening to get back to his vet. I am not sure what the outcome will be as far as diagnosis, treatment or mortality rates. I am curious to see if there is anything he gets diagnosed with to send back to Basepaws in regards to their research program.

Stewart has contributed his files and sample to Basepaws’ research for asthma in felines. Their research is not only about illnesses and their links to genes, but in purebred breeds to expand their growing database. You can view this page here:
Does your cat have a specific health condition? Apply now to take part in our research study and join us in learning more about genetically occurring diseases in all pets.


  • Acromegaly
  • Asthma
  • Calcium Oxalate Urolithiasis
  • Diabetes (Type II or Insulin Resistant)
  • Feline Idiopathic Cystitis
  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • Struvite Urolithiasis  “

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