I’m a pet lover so I have some interesting decals and things going on with my car.
I have 2 conures on my car from King’s Cages. They sent me a survey and I got them for free!
I have a cherries antenna ball because you know, edible.
I have a rat sticker
I have a cat sticker
I have a guinea pig sticker
I don’t have anything puppy on my car though. I thought about getting a little zombie terrier to put on there while Lila was living with me but that never happened.
And one last thing…
I have a pet license plate that reads WHEEK.
Like the piggies say, “WHEEEEEEK”.
And, one night we parked at Petco and came out to find that there was a car parked right next to mine with the license plate WHEEEK. Side by side. So I waited. I talked to the owner and she said they tried to get the WHEEK with 2 Es but it was taken. *Bows*