…with a cat.

Tommy did it! We’ve gotten him used to the Whisker City – Stars and Moon figure 8 adjustable cat harness. This item seems to be discontinued from Petsmart and I can’t find an image for it anywhere online now. I’ll have to upload an image of him in it in due time.

Dismal said he’d need to get Tommy Gargoyle used to the leash as well, inside the house for a few sessions.

I grabbed the harness and Lila’s retractable leash, hooked up my cat and gave Dismal a smile.

My Gargoyle’s first instincts were to find the high ground. After a bit of him talking to a neighbor, I placed him in a large patch of grass.

I’m so proud. Dismal needs a service animal and we are also working on clicker training with my bub so he can stay on course outside.

But right now, he’s got the farts.