Which is a positive for the piggies and a negative for TOMMY GARGOYLE.

Potsticker has been over 900 grams for a few weeks now, with the other two kids about to catch up if you’ve been watching my updates on the Juvenile’s Weight. They are mostly grown by the time they reach 900 grams and then it’s up to them what kind of piggy they are going to be. Potsticker might turn out to be a little larger like her Auntie Mu-Xi, who btw, FLYING COLORS after her spay a few weeks ago.

Besides pooping, all they seem to do it eat and they beg me for it all the time. Wheek wheek wheeeeeek wheek wheeeeek. boy.

And on the other end of the spectrum, there is my cat. Who, as it seems, had been intimidating the girls into leaving their feeder open. He has gained 1/4 lb instead of losing and Stewart hasn’t lost anything since last weigh in. I was hoping to switch them off diet food at the end of the year and just portion control them on regular food with the girls. Tom has 1 1/2 lbs to go appx and Stewart needs to lose another pound. Almost. So close. Why did you do it, you fat mook?! I lub him.

We did get something new from Chewy.com with the boys’ food. The Ultimate Scratching Post! I didn’t even have to rub catnip on it and Tom and Amalie took right to it.